Elden Ring’s DLC, FF7, And MoreCategoriesNews Gaming

Elden Ring’s DLC, FF7, And More

Image: Mossmouth / Kotaku Amid UFO 50’s bounty of games from a fictional developer of the 1980s is Grimstone, a JRPG that’s aesthetically and mechanically akin to games of the era like the original Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest but that also distinguishes itself in some important ways. It eschews the fantasy settings that dominated […]

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Astro Bot Players Expect More DLC as Unreleased Bots Still Remain in the CreditsCategoriesNews Gaming

Astro Bot Players Expect More DLC as Unreleased Bots Still Remain in the Credits

PlayStation 5 exclusive Astro Bot saw its supposedly final drop of downloadable content released today in the last announced weekly speedrunning level, but fans are scratching their heads over a number of unreleased bots present in the credits. Reddit user pkowswald noted that, even with the additional two bots released in today’s DLC, there are […]

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