Trinordic Rectangular Ultralight Sleeping Bag – 700g with Anti-Snag Zipper, Compact Summer Sleeping Bags for Adults – Hiking, Backpacking, Bikepacking, and Travel


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Trinordic Rectangular Ultralight Sleeping Bag – 700g with Anti-Snag Zipper, Compact Summer Sleeping Bags for Adults – Hiking, Backpacking, Bikepacking, and Travel
Price: £34.99
(as of Jul 12, 2024 02:29:50 UTC – Details)

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Relaxing camping, sleeping bag, camping mat, camping gear, travelRelaxing camping, sleeping bag, camping mat, camping gear, travel

Relaxing camping, sleeping bag, camping mat, camping gear, travelRelaxing camping, sleeping bag, camping mat, camping gear, travel

Trinordic was established in 2019 by three outdoor enthusiasts from the west coast of Sweden.

Our love for nature and adventure is at the heart of our business. We are committed to maximizing your experience while minimizing costs for both you and the environment.

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Camping, tent, sleeping bag, camping mat, sleeping matCamping, tent, sleeping bag, camping mat, sleeping mat

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One Tree Planted, sleeping bag, camping mat, sleeping matOne Tree Planted, sleeping bag, camping mat, sleeping mat

Trinordic + One Tree Planted

Together with our partner OneTreePlanted we plant one tree for every sleeping mat and sleeping bag sold!

COMPACT & SPACE-EFFICIENT – Our summer sleeping bag is designed with a focus on portability and space-saving efficiency. It packs down small, freeing up valuable space for your camping accessories.
LIGHTWEIGHT SUMMER COMFORT – Weighing just 700 grams, it’s the perfect lightweight sleeping bag providing comfort in temperatures above 17°C. Perfect for your summer outdoor adventure.
MULTI-USE DESIGN – Easily convert this envelope sleeping bag into a spacious blanket, providing versatile comfort wherever you go—from festivals to camping grounds.
RELIABLE CAMPING GEAR – High-quality materials and an anti-snag zipper ensure a durable sleeping bag. Enjoy peace of mind with our 2-YEAR GUARANTEE AND LIFETIME SUPPORT
ONE TREE PLANTED – For every sleeping bag purchased, we plant one tree! TIP: Pair this sleeping bag with our ultralight camping mat and you will plant two trees!

11 reviews for Trinordic Rectangular Ultralight Sleeping Bag – 700g with Anti-Snag Zipper, Compact Summer Sleeping Bags for Adults – Hiking, Backpacking, Bikepacking, and Travel

  1. Reviewer

    Excellent lightweight summer sleeping bag
    This is a great lightweight summer sleeping bag. I’m a 6 foot bloke and I fit in it fine. It comes complete with a stuff sack. I had no difficulty repacking the bag into the stuff sack once I had used it. The bag specification is marked on both the stuff sack and the bag itself. This is not a “mummy” style sleeping bag it’s a conventional rectangle and that suits me. The bag comes with a zip and velcro fastning and opens out into a full blanket if you want. I have not been camping for a while; my main use for this bag will be when I sleepover at my friends during gaming weekends – my other sleeping bags are just too hot for sleepovers.Lightweight for summer useGreat for sleepoversComes in a stuff sack

  2. Alex

    Ticks all the boxes for summer camping
    Lightweight? Tick. Comfortable? Tick. Super small to carry? Tick. Nice to look at? Tick.This Trinordic ultralight sleeping bag ticks all my boxes. It’s lovely to look at and functions perfectly. It states it is for summer camping at 16 to 19 degrees and initially, my thoughts were ‘Oh that’s a restricted range’ but stop and think about it… in the summer, the nighttime UK temperatures do average 15 degrees plus and if the nights are really hot you probably don’t need to use a bag at all! So I think they’ve got the temperature guide bang on.With no camping trip imminently planned, I took to the garden sofa come late evening and slept under the gazebo with my sleeping bag. I was so comfortable that I went out like a light only to wake hours later when my dog pushed his wet nose in my face and said ‘What are you doing sleeping out here?’When I went to sleep the temperature was 20 degrees and when I woke up it had dipped to 17 degrees. I was lovely and warm throughout the night and can heartily recommend this sleeping bag. Throw in the fact that a tree is planted for every sleeping bag sold and it’s a winner.

  3. Sorex

    Good quality budget bag
    The listing here has several different recommended temperatures scattered through – out generally ranging from 15 to 19 degrees. That being said, the sellers have made it very clear that this sleeping bag is for summer use and summer use only. It is pretty much as described; very lightweight and compact when stowed. The zips are of adequate quality and, on the whole the bag is comfortable.Temperatures at night can fall to uncomfortable levels even in the summer, especially when there has been no cloud cover. As such, the advice given inside the bag “Sleep with base layer, beanie and socks” could be very good depending on the temperatures. I think the take away here is that this bag might be good on its own but be prepared to sleep in your clothes inside the bag. Having other people in the same tent will also affect the temperature so, as always, plan ahead.Be aware that, being a compact bag it is quite narrow, so if you are a bit claustrophobic or perhaps no the larger side then this might not be a good fit for you.Getting the sleeping bag back into its stuff sack is a bit of a trial but will probably get easier with practice. Just remember to loosen the compression straps before packing away.

  4. scape0goat

    Outstanding tiny package with a huge sleeping bag inside !
    Outstanding tiny package with a huge sleeping bag inside !When I first saw this I was a little hesitant ther’ed be a decent sized sleeping bag in it. But I was very wrong.There’s a couple of straps to undo that wrap over the top opening & pullstrings. Once undone, open the drawstring & pull out the sleeping bag. This is when you see just how huge it is and I’m still trying to figure out how it all fits in there !It is as long as by garden lounger which is around 6 1/2 feet long !The fabric both inside & out is really comfy & soft and the insulation is just right to keep you warm but not hot. The double zip runs all the way around to the far side of the bottom part so if unzipped all the way, it can be used like a duvet cover. The zip also has a thick inner tape lining to stop the zip jamming & snagging – nice touch.There’s information printed on & inside the sleeping bag & according to one printed part, for every purchase of an item a new tree will be planted by the manufacturer.I must add, this is marketed as a summer sleeping bag and may not be suitable for freezing condition on its own.

  5. Dave65quality

    Great lightweight summer sleeping bag
    It’s amazing how lightweight and compact this bag can be packed into, although it’s a summer use only, if does give a good degree of heat and is comfortably soft when inside whilst not appearing spongy/bulky at all. Excellent festival use at a good price.Well made in a deep forest spring green material, the bag is stated to be comfortable in the +16~19 deg C range, however I do fell it will go a little lower without much problem.Inside it’s comfy and warm but I did feel at 70cm, the neck of the bag is a little constrictive if you are of a large frame, but I did find sleeping on one’s side improved the comfort, the zip is not only well made but has anti-snag covers together with a very strong Velcro tab to hold it closed and relive pressure on the zip- there is no drawstring at the neck of the bag to pull it tight around you. Leg space is generally good and the lightness of the bag does make it easy to kick out twisting which may restrict some users.The bag is very practicable, with some planning you can even get it back into the bag-something I haven’t been able to do with other bags before, however the lightness and it’s warmth is striking and will be great for summer nights out under canvas. Well recommended and good value.

  6. Steve H

    good lightweight sleeping bag
    Not used yet but having examined it seems very comfortable and well made.As others have mentioned this is quite lightweight/thin so really only for summer use but due to this weighs a lot less and takes up less room. Comes with a 2 year guarantee also.

  7. Valentine75

    Ce sac de couchage est idéal pour des randonneurs itinérants, car il est de format très compact et en plus léger : 700 g.Mais attention, il faut absolument l’utiliser au-dessus de 17°, car il est très fin, et rien de pire que d’avoir froid pour dormir. En France, il peut couramment faire moins de 17° la nuit en été, surtout en altitude.Sinon ce sac me semble de bonne qualité, les coutures sont propres, la fermeture éclair fonctionne bien et on peut l’ouvrir totalement, ce qui permet de l’utiliser en couverture d’été. Seul défaut potentiel : il manque un peu de coutures séparatives, je ne sais comment il supportera un lavage à la machine. Voilà, et sa couleur est très belle.

  8. Yassine

    Il Sacco a Pelo 700g è una buona scelta per chi cerca un sacco a pelo estivo compatto e ultraleggero. Infatti uno dei suoi aspetti migliori è la sua compattezza. Si ripiega in modo estremamente compatto, liberando spazio prezioso per gli accessori da campeggio. Questo lo rende ideale per chi pratica escursionismo, campeggio, backpacking, bikepacking e viaggi, dove ogni centimetro di spazio è prezioso.È il compagno perfetto durante le mie notti all’aperto in estate, offrendo un equilibrio ideale tra leggerezza e comfort.La qualità dei materiali è buona. La cerniera anti-inceppamentofunziona perfettamente e aprendolo totalmente lo si può usare come una coperta in due.Un altro aspetto positivo è l’impegno ambientale dell’azienda che si impegna a impiantare un albero ogni sacco a pelo venduto.

  9. Aurelio

    Tenía otros productos de esta marca Trinordic, por lo que no he dudado ni un minuto cuando dentro del programa Vine he tenido la oportunidad de probar este “Saco de Dormir Rectangular Ultraligero”.Su diseño es rectangular, luego no trae cabecero para poderte tapar la cabeza, ya que para el clima que está pensado que es el clima mediterráneo de noches cada año más tórridas, es innecesario por completo.En cualquier caso, al usarlo aporta una sensación de producto PREMIUM, con unos acabados, materiales y calidad excepcionales. Tiene detalles muy de agradecer como la cremallera antienganche, el cierre con lengüeta de velcro, o que su peso es extra liviano: 754 g me ha marcado una báscula de cocina que tengo.Sobre su longitud de 190 cm es suficiente para un adulto de talla “normal”. Y respecto a su anchura de 75 cm, aporta una gran comodidad de movimiento, inusual en los sacos de camping. En resumen, se puede convertir casi en una manta, por lo que junto a este detalle y al resto ya mencionado, hacen que pueda recomendar su compra sin lugar a dudas.

  10. Tim

    Ich habe den Trinordic 700g Ultraleicht Deckenschlafsack am vergangenen Wochenende während eines Campingtrips ausgiebig getestet und bin insgesamt sehr zufrieden mit meiner Erfahrung. Der Schlafsack hat in vielerlei Hinsicht überzeugt und war ein wertvoller Begleiter für meine Outdoor-Aktivitäten.Komfort und PraktikabilitätDer Schlafsack ist tatsächlich ultraleicht und lässt sich kompakt zusammenrollen, was ihn ideal für Wanderungen, Rucksackreisen, Bikepacking und allgemeine Reisen macht. Das geringe Gewicht und die kleine Packgröße sind besonders praktisch, wenn man viel unterwegs ist und auf leichtes Gepäck angewiesen ist. Trotz des leichten Materials hält der Schlafsack angenehm warm, auch bei kühleren Sommernächten.Anti-Klemm-ReißverschlussEin besonders nützliches Feature ist der Anti-Klemm-Reißverschluss. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Schlafsäcken, bei denen der Reißverschluss oft hängen bleibt, funktioniert dieser hier reibungslos. Das Öffnen und Schließen des Schlafsacks geht somit schnell und unkompliziert vonstatten, was den Komfort erheblich steigert.VerbesserungsvorschlagEin kleiner Verbesserungsvorschlag wäre, den Schlafsack etwas breiter zu gestalten. Obwohl er für die meisten Zwecke ausreichend breit ist, könnte etwas mehr Platz im Inneren für noch mehr Bewegungsfreiheit sorgen, was besonders für Menschen mit breiteren Schultern von Vorteil wäre. Dieser Punkt ist jedoch nicht gravierend und mindert den Gesamteindruck nur minimal.FazitAlles in allem ist der Trinordic 700g Ultraleicht Deckenschlafsack ein nahezu perfekter Begleiter für alle, die einen leichten, kompakten und dennoch komfortablen Schlafsack für ihre Outdoor-Abenteuer suchen. Die Kombination aus Leichtigkeit, guter Wärmeleistung und dem praktischen Anti-Klemm-Reißverschluss macht ihn zu einer hervorragenden Wahl. Mit etwas mehr Breite wäre er absolut perfekt, aber auch so kann ich ihn uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.

  11. D.S.

    Der Schlafsack von Trinordic ist von einer schwedischen Marke aber in China hergestellt. Das unterscheidet ihn nicht von Markenherstellern die auch fast alle in China produzieren lassen. Es gibt kein explizites Kopfteil, man hat bei geschlossenem Schlafsack also diesen nicht unter dem Kopf. Wenn man aber ein Kissen hat ist das überhaupt kein Problem.Ich habe den Schlafsack bereits beim Schlafen im Auto getestet. Er hat bei kaltem Juniwetter schön warmgehalten, hab auf einer Turnmatte mit Moltonauflage geschlafen. Bei warmem Wetter hätte ich ihn aufgemacht und nur noch als Decke verwendet. Dann kann man den Klettverschluss auch gut direkt befestigen so dass dieser nirgends festhängen bleibt oder kratzt.Danach hat er beim Stopfen wieder in die Tasche gepasst, Falten und Rollen war aber keine so gute Idee, da musste ich ihn auf ein Drittel falten und dann rollen. Daher einfach stopfen, soll ja keinen Schönheitspreis gewinnen … Mit den Zurrbändern kann man ihn noch etwas weiter komprimieren.Da der Schlafsack recht günstig ist und flexibel einsetzbar im Auto ist wenn man da gelegentlich drin schläft von mir eine Empfehlung.

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