Welcome to the jungle. We’ve got fun and games. And by fun and games, we mean a pain in the ass twin boss fight with both a Tormentor and a Subjugator. Neither one of them is terrible on their own, but there’s a ton of Shadow Legion standing between you and the squishy bits you’re about to pump millions of rounds of ammo into.
After landing in the jungle area, raise your flag. Eexonios, the Subjugator, goes first. There’s nothing terribly special about Eexonios aside from the massive health bar. He’s still using all the same Stasis projectiles and shatter attacks as his lesser relatives. As mentioned, the big annoyance here is just how many Shadow Legion spawn while you’re trying to get shit done around here, made worse by the fact these guys all have beefed up protection.
Cleaning house takes a wee bit longer than normal, but they’re still just as dumb as ever. So, take the grunts out of the equation, staying in constant motion around the area, and if you can take a few shots at Eexonios while you’re doing that, by all means. Eventually, though, it’ll just be you and Stasis McSkinnyjeans. Get a good surgical weapon to take hard-hitting single shots at his head, keeping an eye out to make sure you’re not surrounded by stasis crystals at the wrong moment. Once you’ve taken out 30 percent of his health, he’ll disappear. That yellow shield in the middle of the area will vanish, and you can grab the blue module inside. Use it, open a portal, and you’ll meet Eexonios’ hideous partner in crime, Iizira.

Iizira’s yet another Tormentor, so you know the drill by now: aim for the head and shoulder armor. There’s a few Shadow Legion milling about the narrow corridor here, but they’re pushovers. Take them out at your leisure while doing damage to Iizira. Same as Eexonios, though, once you’ve taken out a third of his health, he’ll vanish, dropping a blue module in the process. Head to the other side of the room and drop down. Take out the Legion down here, take a quick breath, and head through the next portal. Eexonios is back up. This area’s more cramped and less vertical than the jungle you landed in, so explosives are a little more useful in here as a means of crowd control. Second verse, same as the first, though: Take out the Legion, then focus on Eexonios till he drops a blue module and tags in Iizira again through the next portal.
So, bad news here is that Iizira’s second area is Respawn Restricted, so, if you were fighting these guys through attrition before, the jig is up. It doesn’t help that Iizira’s armor is off here, which means his weak spot’s easier to hit, but he’s in his far more aggressive form, and more prone to pull off that grab move that knocks off most of your health. The good news, at least, is that Iizira’s second room counts as a checkpoint, so if you wipe out, you’ll start the fight right here. Either way, same principles apply: take out the Legion first. That said, you’ll definitely want to use the stairs and the open portals in this area to your advantage to keep Iizira from being able to effectively divebomb you, and forcing him to make those floaty jumps he likes that keep him wide open. Once he vanishes here, grab the blue module, go through the new, unlocked portal for the final showdown.
You’ll now be forced to face these two at once. They share a lifebar, though, so any damage is good damage here, and, of course, now would be a wonderful time to pop your Super. For what it’s worth, neither one of these guys seem to be smart enough to chase you effectively around the back of the portal you spawn in here, if you’re looking for something resembling a safe zone. Either way, finish the job, crack open the chest up the stairs on the far side of this area, and go through the portal.